Big Hands Little Hands Nursery School Accesibility Access Plan 2022-2024
Objective of the Plan
Big Hands Little Hands Nursery School aim through time via investment and training to allow accessibility for all current and prospective children, parents and staff alike. Wherever possible we will take resonable steps to avoid placing anyone at a substantial disadvantage.
Definition of Disability
A child/adult has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Disability Discrimination Act 2002 and SEND code of practice January 2015
Children with SEND have the right to access EY education. The settings Accessibility Plan should be well resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as and when required, and should be reviewed bi-annually.
This plan sets out how we wil deliver the Accessibiliy Plan
The nursery aims to work closely with SEN children, their parents/carers and any outside agencies involved with the family in order to remove or minimalise as much as possible any potential barriers to learning, which puts them at a disadvantage, but allows them to participate, learn and achieve fully in Nursery life.
Big Hands Little Hands Nursery School will actively promote positive attitudes to disabled children to prevent discrimination.
We strive to improve each member of staffs continued professional training (CPD) by encouring staff training to include basic SEN training with the SENCO accessing any new and relavant training when it becomes available and to attend regular area SENCO buisness meetings.
Contextual Information
Disability access for the setting is available at the rear of the building. Once inside the setting access for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility is available throughout as all on one level with the exception of a small step out to access our garden area.
Current range of disabilities within the setting
At present we have no diagnosed children but have a number who are in the early stages of the pathway for ASD, ADHD, and referals for speech and language.
We have a number of children on site with a wide range of allergies. Individual medications and epi pens are kept in the first aid cabinet. Several staff, with the aim of all staff by December 2022 will be trained in Paediatric First Aid which includes the use of epi pens. Allergies/intorences are discussed with the cook on a daily basis to accomodate the childrens needs. The cook has only just joined the setting and as part of his CPD he will access an Allergen Intollernce Awareness course.
Any medication given to children will be administered, recorded and witnessed by recording on Baby Days.