Our SEN information report- which is part of Durham County Councils local offer- provides details about how we support children with special educational needs in our setting.
The SEN Information Report was created on 28th April 2022 and will be reviewed on a yearly basis
At Big hands little hands Nursery school we are committed to the equal inclusion of all children in all areas of nursery life. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all children and take into account the additional support required by those children with special educational needs.
The SEND Information Report should be read alongside the nurseries SEND policy, the Equalities policy and our Accessibility plan.
Key Contact
Mrs Bev Lowes
SEN co-ordinator for Big Hands Little Hands Childcare Ltd
Tel: 01207 581321
1. Introduction
2. Our SEN Provision
3. Support for social and emotional development
4. Looked after children with SEND
5. Consulting with our SEN children, parents and carers
6. SEN transition
7. SEN specialist expertise
8. Compliments, complaints and feed back
9. Key policies
There are four broad areas of special educational needs these are:
Support for Social and Emotinal Development
Big Hands Little Hands Nursery school have highly skilled early years educators, who will support and adapt their practice to individual childrens needs. Often these needs are identified by parents prior to their children starting our setting, we will work closely with parents/carers to ensure a smooth as possible transition into our setting with possible shorter session initially until the children feel more comfortable with their surroundings.
We ensure childrens feelings are listened to and can encourage them to express their feelings directly with a practioner or during circle time where we discuss feelings and emotions on a daily basis.
Looked after children with SEND
Bev Lowes (manager and owner) is the designated officer for looked after children with SEN, it will be her responsibilty to ensure all staff are made aware of the implications for those looked after children with SEN.
A personal educational plan will be written outlining exactly how any additional funding will be spent to support their needs, including any SEN issues. If any SEN are identified a support plan will be formulated and implemented. The support plan will be regularily reviewed, monitored and amended accordingly.
Consulting with our SEN pupils, parents and carers. Practioners and the setting SENCO will work with our SEN children to identify any additional support or resources required to meet each individual childs needs. The setting will be adapted where necessary and interventions implemented where required. Consultations with parents/carers will take place to discuss progress as well as daily informative handovers.
We have an 'open door' policy where parents/carers may wish to discuss their childs progress with within the setting with either Bev Lowes (SENCO) or childs key worker or room lead. This can done face to face (preferably via appointment) but the SENCO will where ever possible meet with parents/carers at short notice.
Our approach to teaching children with SEN
An inclusive setting means through additonal support/resources all children are able to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the nursery day. Big Hands Little Hands Nursery School delivers within its curriculm the Early Years Foundation stage but also enhances the childrens education with daily enrichments set out within the nursery and also visits from outside companies to enhance the learning of all.
Our curriculm is developed and amended to follow the childrens interests and needs in the moment therefore enhancing their learning experiences whilst they are showing particular interest in a subject/activity. The practioners whilst planning will ensure all children can access and enjoy each activity adding additional opportunities to enrich their experiences. All children are encouraged and supported to enjoy all social aspects of the Nursery life, this would include circle time where the children and practioners are encourageds to chat about their day, what they are looking forward to playing with, how they are feeling that day etc. They are encourged to chat socially with practioners and peers during meal times and encouraged to chat, share and learn consideration for others thoughout their day.
Here at Big hands Little hands nursery we strive to be inclusive to all, to support every childs needs to progress at a rate appropriate to each childs abilities.
We encourage independence from the earliestof ages, promote self confidence, self care and self esteem whilst being there to support and encourage all the way.
SEN Specialist Expertise
We will where necessary confer and liase with externat professional bodies such as area SENCO, speach and language etc.
Compliments, Complaints and Feedback
Our practioners are devoted to your children and to do their best to enable your children reach their full potential. If you have had a good experience then please share this with the practioners either verbally or written. It is lovely for staff to receive positive feedback as it make their effort all worth while. We will work with you when implementing coping strategies and a constant dialogue between yourself and our prationers in paramount.
If you have concerns or complaints with regard to the implementation of our SEN Plan please in the first instance contact the manager/SENCO Bev Lowes, if you are unhappy and your concerns are unresolved please follow the complaints procedure in your policies and procedures.
Key Policies
All of our policies can be found on the Baby Days system, the important ones for parents of SEN children to be would be